Just Another...False Flag (2024)

Just Another...False Flag (1)

William Aindow

42 Union Street

Room 19,



15th December 2023

Just another....FALSE FLAG

“Flags are bits of coloured cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap peoples brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead. When independent- thinking people (and here I do not include the corporate media) begin to rally under flags, when writers, painters, musicians, film makers suspend their judgement and blindly yoke their art to the service of the ‘Nation’, it’s time to worry.”

(Arundhati Roy)

It was always my intention to burn the LGBTQ flag situated outside the children’s Accident and Emergency Unit of Sunderland Royal Hospital. Arriving in Sunderland 7thJuly 2023 I shortly thereafter photographed the flag that I would subsequently destroy (with fire). The photographs I took with my smartphone in early July….in addition to the aforementioned flag…included a pen holder and pens in the foreground of the image…pictorially/photographically expressing my intention to write about this very issue. I may or may not have published this particular image via my publicly accessible Telegram Channel ‘Out Damned Spot’. Nevertheless. Images of the same flag are included on my Telegram timeline/channel….but as to the specific images including pens/penholder I am uncertain. I took several pictures of this particular arrangement because I had been dissatisfied with the unfurling of the flag in some images…It being a moderately windy day etc. etc.

So…from the inception of the idea and summoning the necessary resolve….to putting pen to paper. It has taken me 5-6 months or thereabouts. The intention/purpose of the article is to explain what I did and why. I wish to retain a specific focus on a singular aspect of my motivation and reasoning rather than make a comprehensive and exhaustive contestation/refutation of the entire ideology of the LGBTQ movement…rather focus upon my vehement opposition to particular aspects of it. There are many such accounts and critiques that areavailable and which offer a far better researched and considered account than I am able to provide or am interested in attempting. (I would recommend Scott Howard, The Transgender Industrial Process).

My focus is simply to offer an account of what I did, its chronology and context and thereafter to focus upon my motivation/reasoning with respect to the transgender movement…with a specific focus on ideas about manhood/womanhood.

To fail to include any acknowledgement of the profound and devastating consequences of the ideology upon young people/children would not only be unforgivably remiss on my part but would render my act/protest/crime and this article utterly meaningless and without merit. It will not be, however the main focus of this article…not for its lack of priority/importance but because such information/arguments are available elsewhere...with an uncensored internet connection…if one is curious enough.

The singular aspect I will be focusing upon and which is of particular interest to me and largely informs my argument relates to what I perceive to be the fraudulence of aspects of the transgender movement/ideology. It is a quite specific focus upon a discrete /narrow aspect of the ideology but nonetheless I consider it important in revealing/exposing its fraudulence.

The incident/crime (the removal and burning of the LGBTQ flag from Sunderland Royal Hospital Children’s Accident and Emergency Unit) took place on 24th August 2023but was deliberately proceeded and couched in various interactions with mental health services and Northumbria police in order to complicate, confound and problematize the act. To muddy the waters legally and make any prosecution of myself difficult.

This began with my presentation at Sunderland Royal Adult Accident and Emergency Sunday 20/08/23 6.30pm. I attended the Accident and Emergency that evening with all myworldly belongings like a big fat headed Paddington Bear and reported as having a mental health crisis at the triage/reception desk…from where I was promptlyushered through to a more private setting for evaluation/assessment by their resident Psychiatric Liaison Team. This assessment took place after a short wait…and it was concluded that I was of sound mind/ not lacking capacity and I was not presenting a significant risk of harm to myself or others…and thus not sectionable. (which I suggested I was). I requested a full Mental Health Act assessment…the composition and remit of which is strictly codified in the Mental Health Act.

The sum total or outcome of this hour long assessment/discussion/conversation with two members of the Psychiatric Liaison Team (both mental health nurses) was a photocopied sheet of paper with an asterisk added next to the contact telephone number of the Crisis Team … (* despite telling both mental health care professionals (nurses) that I did not have a personal mobile phone or any friends from whom I could access theirs…I also informed them that I had not a penny/£0.00 in the whole world. I was despatched...free to go…with my piece of paper and highlighted telephone number.)

So dear reader…I left and sat outside Sunderland A+E and ate my Pork Belly slices that I had lovingly prepared that Sunday afternoon…in anticipation of lots of faffing about at the hospital and minimal access to food. I ate them sat on the wall outside the A+E department and then went home… but I saved a couple of slices to have in bed.

(YOU) “Too much Info William”

(ME) “Yeah…I know…What of it?”

The following day Monday 21st August I pursued a more indirect route to achieving a full Mental Health Act assessment…Specifically attending Southwick Police Station, making a polite enquiry with the Police Officer manning/womanning the front desk which is open to the public. He helpfully informed me that there would have to be some incident involving myself and the police for them to make the designation of ‘an adult of concern’ and for the appropriate referral to then take place via the police to mental health services.

Armed with this crucial data point/factoid…I returned to Southwick Police Station the following day Tuesday 22nd August and spoke to a very helpful and polite young officer (male) in the small room adjacent to the public waiting room/reception. Here I confessed to two specific counts of graffiti on or near the local authority in Sunderland. To be precise…the advertising boards shielding the local authorities redevelopment/regeneration of the riverside (‘The most ambitious city centre regeneration project in the UK’, www.riversidesunderland.com) ….situated 30/40 yards away from the entrance of City Hall.

My two confessions to the helpful and polite young officer were as follows…

“Sunderland is our place to play“

To which I added the following words with a black sharpie pen…

“Slots +_Fruities…Admiral c*nts”

A commentary on the absurd amount of gambling I witnessed in Sunderland and which the Local Authority has presumably sanctioned/endorsed.

On the advertising board closest to City Hall which read..

“ This is our City”

I had, also in black sharpie pen wrote inside the dot of the “I” of ‘city’…

“GAY AS f*ck”

The Police Officer was informed that both incidents would likely be recorded on surveillance cameras and I also provided theofficer with theapproximate times and dates the crimes were committed.Additionally, I informed theofficer that the black sharpie pen with which I had committedthecrimes had been leftat the scene…So it would most likely have my fingerprints on it and that it was acrucial pieceof evidence that could still besecured.

Iwas given assurances by the helpful, polite and courteous police officer that the crime spree would be thoroughly investigated and that Southwick Police would assign its best men/women to the City Hall boarding graffiti case. The quite frankly dashing and charming young police officer also furnished me with two telephone numbers…one for the mental health Crisis Team that I had received days earlier from the Psychiatric Liaison Team but which I had screwed up and booted in a hedge outside Sunderland Royal Hospital A+E whilst eating my Pork Belly slices sat on a wall…post Psychiatric Liaison Team assessment…and had thus not retained.

The other telephone number the Police Officer provided was for ‘Mental Health Matters’ who he advised could offer further support and guidance. Grateful for his assurances, support and the telephone numbers he had provided me with I then made my way immediately to City Hall to update my Universal Credit Online Claim Journal in order to keep my Work Coach up to date and ‘in the loop’ as to my employment prospects in the short to medium term (given that the criminal investigation into the graffiti confession would likely begin imminently)…Stopping only to add further additional graffiti to the same advertising/protective boarding’s. I can’t remember the specifics of what graffiti was added that day…but I did it…and all the other ones.

The fateful day 24/08/23 arrived (the removal and burning of the flag). That morning I deliberately cut my big fat slap head whilst shaving. There was some blood loss but insufficient to make me turn into an albino man. So…not that serious but requiring of minor medical first aid.

To myappointment with Angela (Probation Service Sunderland/Southwick) I took with me a pair of scissors (dress makers scissors) and some medical tape in order to undertake a field dressing and basic care of my slap head wound whilst mobile/ in the community. My appointment with Angela passed without incident…she had already assured me that she was ‘Old School’ probation at our first interview/appointment. At this point I was less concerned about which ‘school’ of probation she was affiliated with….rather that she simply be competent. (See Morgoth’s Review: On Competence:

Morgoth’s ReviewThoughts on the state of things


After the appointment I made my way across the Alexandra Bridge (*If pressed…probably my favourite bridge in Sunderland).

(YOU) “You have a favourite bridge in Sunderland?”

(ME) “Yeah….f*ck OFF.”

I took a right to Pallion (some sh*thole in Sunderland) and made my way up its central high street….only stopping at ‘HEROES’ (a female hairdressers)….where I stood glaring through the window adopting a consciously Liam Gallagher stance…mildly disconcerting the two female hairdressers within. The cultural/musical reference for those who do not listen to Magic FM is obviously Bowie and the Oasis Cover/B-side (D’You Know What I Mean?).

It is perhaps a minor digression…but I found the name of the large funeral director/provider next door to HEROES (hairdressers)….HOGS an almost Dickensian comic play on the boom time within the industry/sector.Theseemingly inexplicableuptick in all-cause mortality since 2021…’They have never had it so good’ etc. etc…warm beer and sandwiches all round.

I then made my way across the crossroads….having suitably weirded out the young female hairdressers in ‘HEROES’… past a jacket potato shop whose nameis some kind of North East/Sunderland ‘in joke’ …unfathomable to both myself and Gavin (Nacro support worker/landlord) who is also not a native...Not Sunderland born etc. etc.

I deliberately took a left via the side entrance …and walked passed the Nail Quin Children’s Unit. He isone of thefew professional footballers I have genuinely admired and respected. Then on to theLGBTQ flag and pole…located…perversely (to my mind) outside the Children’s Accident and Emergency Ward/Unit. (A+E).

SNIP, SNIP, SNIP !!!...down comes the LGBTQ flag…Scissorsgo straight down the drain situated less than ten yards from the flagpole…just in case I was challenged or confronted and potentially offer the Po Po/ Police the opportunity they needed to fit me up for the murder of Jill Dando or some other spurious ‘ threats with a bladed article/ threats to kill’ charge…Christ knows they’ve already tried.*

*(Given the excruciating contortions/ corruption that Lancashire Constabulary had already engaged in with successive failed attempts to convict me of ‘Threats to Kill’ and ‘Threats with a bladed article’…this possibility seemed not unremote. So…I erred on the side of caution ..and disposed of the scissors immediately.)

I walked swiftly from the hospital grounds/property crossing the road and taking theback roads the short distance to my tenancy/address (31 Pickard Street, Millfield, SR46 HE) where I utilized the free saucepan provided to me by Nacro (landlord) to burn the Flag…a safe distance from the property. As an accelerant to promote combustion of the flag I chose WD40 purchased from an excellent hardware store in Millfield…located close to the roundabout (Mr. Abbey Road).

The inferno was brief but intense…(not unlike my style of sexual performance.)…It was a polyester/synthetic fabric…so…it didn’t take long. I retained a small red scrap of the charred bundle of molten synthetic rainbow material…much like the deranged Silence of the Lambs serial killer who required some token/keepsake of the deed. Yeah…I’m as bad as him/her/them/they/it and all the other ridiculous and unnecessary pronouns. My actual pronouns are…. “f*ck You”. So… best to not ever ask me…

I left the molten ball of flag sh*te in some builders rubbish across the street from my gaff and made my way directly to St. Peters Church to categorically and unequivocally delineate the act (removing and burning the flag) as an act of religious conscience….motivated principally by my Christian beliefs and my associated moral convictions. Not an alibi/exculpation/or excuse…but the TRUTH. St Peters Church/grounds is/was where I prayed/ worshipped whilst living in Sunderland. I spent about half an hour there considering/ meditating on my act in the churchyard of St Peters and then made my way directly along the River Wear Sculpture trail to Roker Beach via the harbour, where I walked along the pier to the lighthouse. I sat on the piss stinking steps of the lighthouse considering my act/crime and its possible future consequences. It was a blue sky day and I had a beautiful view of the shore…I felt like a colossus…(but there was this little Chinese kid fishing with his dad who kept staring at me like a gawp…I didn’t say anything…largely lost in my own thoughts).

The lighthouse had significance too…having written/emailed the jewellery chain Nomination about it earlier that month…and proposing a better design…given what I perceived to be the inadequacy of their commercially available lighthouse charm. In the email to Nomination I also referenced the religious significance of lighthouses and for me their particular resonance with the poetry of Auden. (I will hopefully publish that email to Nomination as a further adjunct to this article). The email to Nomination is mildly amusing...I was very bored and unhappy in Sunderland (aka Wonderland) and took to jewellery design…and drinking. Whatevs. It is what it is…

I returned home to 31 Pickard St (aka my gaff). I probably had a drink somewhere along the way. I usually did…there is f*ck all else to do…unless you need a fake tan/acrylic nails/a haircut or have a desperate need to fritter all of your money away on fruit machines/slots.

Up bright and early next morning (25/08/23) I packed my travel case…Specifically my iPod case. Travel light…travel far. It was my assumption that I would be remanded into custody given my previous two incarcerations for criminal damage (combined total/ time served = £894 / 7 months approx.)

‘Things I/They Carried’ (Tim O’Brian)

My bible, my glasses/spectacles, some contact lenses (assortment), my passport, some old pictures of me and my family and my dog (now deceased) ‘Jake “la Motta “ Aindow (R.I.P) and my additional timepieces.

Citizen Eco Drive Titanium…Now in the possession of Paul from The Peoples Kitchen Newcastle who kindly furnished me with some “tabs” on the hour of my return to Newcastle…

Retro Digital Timex…now sported by ‘Cal’…also from The Peoples Kitchen Newcastle.

My pocket watch…which I think I lost trying on jeans in Oxfam Newcastle. I was a bit disappointed but I am pretty used to losing things/stuff….So it goes.

Packing done…I returned to the site of the flag crime like a serial killer and left a calling card. Specifically…a Sunderland City Council Dog sh*t notice/warning…which read…. “SORT YOUR SH*T OUT” ..on which I signed my initials (W.A). I returned home and picked up my luggage (see iPod carry case above) and made my way once more to Southwick Police Station…where I proffered the small red scrap of charred flag I had retained to the lady police officer at the counter/public desk and informed her of what I had allegedly done….Burnt the Flag/ ‘Flamed amazement’ (The Tempest Act 1 Scene 1, Ariel). I advised her that I was happy to wait whilst she got the appropriate people to speak to me etc. etc.

After half an hour or so …I was arrested and detained…handcuffs yada yada…and placed in a cell in Southwick Police Station. During my detention I consumed three microwavable lasagnes…which were made in Wigan and were not that bad at all. There is other police food available… but I like the lasagne best. Stick with what you know etc. etc. I was treated reasonably well…and the police at Southwick Police Station were largely civil and professional throughout. I have no complaints…other than what is now standard fare for me…an attempt to add additional charges whilst I was waiting to be interviewed/detained/remanded in the public waiting room. Throw whatever sh*t at the wall and see what sticks etc. etc. which sadly seems to be the routine approach in my experience. Kind of used to it at this point courtesy of my separate involvement with Lancashire Constabulary (photos of a laceration/knife wound to my upper back went ‘missing’/’became unavailable. At no small cost to my privacy…all evidenced and published via Twitter/Telegram to offer myself some protection/insurance from their corruption/incompetence/squalor).

Anyway…the detention passed without incident…a male mental health nurse visited my cell. He was reasonable and I would guess also competent…gleaned from our conversation. In my cell, whilst not sleeping or eating lasagne I acted out scenes from Lawrence of Arabia and Gladiator whilst wearing the cell blanket/bed sheet…either as a Roman Gladiator or alternatively adopting the garb of Muslimism “ Come dine with me at Wadi Rum “ (Lawrence of Arabia) etc. etc. I also enjoyed shouting nonsense in an affected scouse accent from my cell at fellow prisoners and no one in particular…to amuse myself and pass the time…but mainly I just slept…got my head down and did my time. I was released after twenty four hours…on Police Bail… which I am currently in breach of as I write. An ‘approved adult’ had not been available to attend my interview. I was kindly driven back to my gaff in Millfield in a police van. (Gomez, Ries Wagon, Bring it On).

Having already established in my lengthy and overly tedious preamble the scope and particular remit of this article and its purpose…I will briefly lay out what I see as my own singular contribution to this issue/debate/nonsense. I do not use the word ‘nonsense’ glibly or factiously, I use it deliberately, definitely and with precision. I enjoy ‘nonsense’ in the Edward Lear or in the David Byrne sense (Stop Making Sense, Talking Heads). To regard the philosophical underpinning of Transgenderism and its associated flag wavers as anything other than utter nonsense/ rot/ guff*…

*guff (i) trivial or worthless talk or ideas

(ii) Scottish…an unpleasant smell.

-Origin C19 (in sense ‘whiff of a bad smell’)

(Concise Oxford Dictionary p633)

is to take it/them seriously. I do not. That I take the catastrophic consequences, damage and externalities of the ideology with deadly seriousness is precisely because I cannot/will not take its philosophical/ideological foundation seriously…nor I would contend/ suggest/ argue should anyone else.

To perhaps best illustrate this point/position by way of analogy in the context of UK politics it may be helpful to consider two significant political figures of the last twenty years. Anthony ‘Tony’ Blair and David Cameron. The undergirding political philosophy of New Labour and its high priest (Tony Blair) was widely accepted/understood to be ‘The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy’ (Anthony Giddens). With the benefit and luxury of hindsight (‘20:20 is hindsight’, Fun Lovin’ Criminals: I can’t get with that) it is not difficult to dismantle the text/philosophy for the empty vacuous pap/weasel words/platitudinous nonsense it always was. Although not a child of the 90s…the New Labour Project marked a significant political event/period for myself and those of my generation. ‘Cool Britannia’ was ushered into power…a landslide victory via the vagaries of the FPTP voting system and with it…a dramatic end to the Thatcher/Major years…or at least…so we were told. The insipid/sickly beat /tune and Panglossian optimism of ‘Things can only get better’ (D:Ream) offered the soundtrack for a change…a radical new direction….A ‘third way’ no less.

Mr Blair (aka Teflon Tony) revealed himself in due course to be just another War criminal/War monger and fraud…blessed with the silver tongue and skilful oratory of an expensive private Scottish school education and Oxbridge. ‘The Third Way’(Anthony Giddens) served merely as the intellectual cover/subterfuge…allowing for unprecedented/unchecked levels of immigration and unrestrained warmongering (Iraq, Afghanistan etc.). Thatcher’s turbo charged (Chicago School) neo-liberal economics was continued/ uninterrupted but was given a spivvy frontman skilled in presentation and appearance to front the charge. The best that can be said for ‘Tony’ is that he did not lack front and was an incredibly skilled orator/public speaker. Few have been able to see past the time share salesman bluster…and clearly identify with clarity the political philosophical project of New Labour and Tony Blair for what it actually was…not what those skilled in presentation and spin wrapped it in. Most notably Peter Hitchens …who identifies Revolutionary Marxism/Trotskyism. The rest was largely front/bluster and showbiz…with some Sure Start centres thrown in.

“Blair recalled that his first reading of an admiring biography of ‘this guy Trotsky’ (given to him by Gallop) had been ‘like a light going on’ and had ‘changed his life’. Then, giggling, he said that, yes, for a while he was actually ‘a Trot’. This was for ‘not longer than a year’. Well, maybe. Who’d have any record now?.....”

“One day, and I hope it is soon, people will grasp that Mr Blair was not the pseudo-Tory ‘moderate’ we were sold (and some of you bought) in 1997. He was the most radical political leader this country has had since Oliver Cromwell.”

(Corbyn or Blair? Guess which one is the real Marxist menace (Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday August 13th 2017)

David Cameron’s rebranding of the Conservative Party…in a similar mode…took for its political philosophical project ‘Red Tory: How Left and Right have Broken Britain and how we can Fix It’ (Phillip Blond). I would argue…a better book…at least slightly less tedious to wade through…not a recommendation…just an observation/opinion). Cameron’s reign served up a continuation of Blairite policies…offering scraps of red meat here and there to appease/satiate the small ‘c’ and large ‘C’ base…but in the sphere of social/cultural policy Mr Blonds book was appropriately titled ‘Red Tory’…the same Trotskyite/crypto Marxist policies prevailed/continued under the radar. David Cameron’s success/achievement was his ability to maintain a Janus like face where appropriate…retaining a firm grip on the Blairite torch of fakery and proceeding along the next leg with the same toxic flame intact. Both men were both highly skilled in presentation, narrative control (spin) (see Cameron’s post Oxbridge Television career etc. etc.). Understanding the commonalities of both men and their wider shared political project…in a comprehensive sense…gives a far more accurate take/ assessment of the philosophical/ideological space they both shared/occupied.

As previously stated…others have and are far more capable of addressing more thoroughly and comprehensively a substantive refutation of the ideology of Transgenderism. (I would strongly recommend Keith Woods/You Tube/ Transhumanism Video and there are many valuable contributions in a similar vain on the Off Guardian Website…offering an uncensored/unvarnished and critical understanding of the subject). My particular interest is in fraud and fraudulence. Ultimately an argument based upon Platonic Realism/Platonic Forms/essences and what they reveal or expose of what I regard to be a transparent fraud. I have committed numerous frauds over the years of various sophistication or lack thereof…so it is something I have some interest in and I would modestly suggest …above lay knowledge…. or at least the experience to draw upon and speak/write confidently on the issue. Write about what you know etc. etc.

In order to make the argument accessible to a wider audience…I think it useful or instructive to use/employ a figure from popular culture. In the guise of Oliver James (‘They f*ck you up’) who employed various well known celebrities with public recognition to elucidate and explore wider psychological theories and understanding. To this end…I have chosen the comedian Eddie Izzard. Firstly, I should state, that having had regard to some recent images of him… I think he looks absolutely f*ckin ridiculous…a f*ckin clown…(just my opinion). I am no particular fan of his comedy or his wider celebrity status…but he seems to be fairly well known and prominent within the politicking of Transgenderism. With respect to Mr Eddie Izzard…it is not to pick on a particular individual…I don’t have a TV…and he is the only celebrity I know or can at least remember that is relevant to this issue. Furthermore the politicisation of his ideology (transgenderism) through the Labour Party is relevant, interesting and important. He is something of a political celebrity…or his celebrity/ fame is conveniently aligned with the political ends of The UK Labour party. Mr Izzard belongs to a wider insufferable cadre of leftist intellectuals, musicians, actors of the ‘oversocialized leftpsychology that orbit the UK labour party like flies round sh*t. (Tony Robinson, Billy Bragg, Grayson Perry, etc. etc.).

Thodore Kaczynski was able to see clearly and describe with unparalleled accuracy the malign psychological profile of what he identified as “the oversocialized left”. It is very important to understand the personality type and psychological profile of such people. The overwhelming ascendancy of this personality type in the cultural sphere, academia, Human Resource Departments and related institutions of civil society is manifestly clear. Anecdotally, via a fairly extensive personal experience with a variety of academic institutions you encounter an unreconstructed pure form of this personality type. To my eternal shame I have even f*cked a few of them…so my experience is intimate in more than one sense. To understand who is waving the flags and desperately/pathetically attempting to signal their progressive virtue…first understand their personality type/psychological profile.

It is a very specific character type/psychological profile that is drawn to such utter guff and who is at once both susceptible and receptive to it. To such people…the transgender propaganda is as intoxicating as catnip. It has been perfectly packaged, designed and delivered to tessellate with their peculiar tastes/weaknesses/profile.

“The only requirements are a moderate amount of intelligence and most of all simple OBEDIENCE”

(Theodore J. Kaczynski,Industrial Society and Its Future)

“Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behaviour; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behaviour is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them.

But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.”

(Theodore J. Kaczynski,Industrial Society and Its Future)

“Leftists of the oversocialized type tend to be intellectuals or members of the upper-middle class. Notice that university intellectuals constitute the most highly socialized segment of our society and also the most left-wing segment.

The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle.”

(Theodore J. Kaczynski,Industrial Society and Its Future)

During the last three years…under the various strictures of the Covid 19 pandemic response…masking/muzzling, lockdown, social distancing etc. etc. an important documentary record (in granular/digital detail) has been produced of the levels of bovine, moronic compliance and obsequious obedience that hitherto seemed only the fodder of the most outlandish/fantastical dystopian science fiction. Perhaps for me, best encapsulated in a single image…a farmer synchronising/herding his flock/livestock/sheep to form the shape of a vaccine syringe.

“Shepherds don’t look after sheep because they love them-although I do think some shepherds like their sheep too much. They look after their sheep so they can, first, fleece them and second, turn them into meat…...Fleeced or f*cked!!!”

(Christopher Hitchens)

I think though it’s perhaps fitting to give the final word to his brother Peter Hitchens…who renounced the political folly of his youth (Trotskyism) having become ‘inoculated’ by it and who echoes Kaczynski’s stark warning…

“The Real Threat comes from the Gramscian Legions of the Dull”

(Peter Hitchens)

In terms of fraud. I see transgenderism as no more or less tawdry and obvious as a three card/cup trick…perpetrated by Romanians on a bridge in London…with a dice and three red cups…but with the quick hands and sharp brain to extract crisp twenty pound notes from slow witted tourists. I do not regard the fraud as any more sophisticated or any less crude. Bullsh*t battles brains…and the Transgender agenda produces voluminous amounts/in spades. Just visit any public/municipal library/university…they churn that sh*t out.

I hope to confront the issue in the same spirit that The Amazing Randi challenged Uri Geller during a little seen TV appearance. Mr Geller was not given the opportunity to perform his nonsense superpowers/kidology/mesmerism etc. etc. The Amazing Randi had simply broken down his act/tricks to first principles rendering his showmanship and theatricals as fake and fraudulent as the man himself. (see also The Truth about Uri Geller:Paperback – 1 Sept. 1982 James Randi )

It should really not be necessary to have to explain the science…junior schools across the world have text books (find one) for children that have long established ‘the science’. It includes two letters…X and Y…both ‘consonants’ (See Carol Vorderman’s Sweet Sweet Ass picture at The Rugby World Cup 2019: Wales v Uruguay / / Hips Don’t Lie /Shakira etc. etc.). It is all that is necessary to understand/refute, debunk the junk science/ white noise/ woo woo offered up in the unending torrent of literature/guff its ideological adherents serve up. The propaganda is relentless…because it needs to be.

It would be instructive/ helpful to first understand what an ideology is …so you have a frame of reference in which to situate transgenderism. There are many ideologies…sh*t loads of them. Take your pick…feminism, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, Zionism, Blairism, Thatcherism, Landlordism. There are no shortage of ideologies or ideas…some are moribund/defunct or even just forgotten…others dusted off and redeployed. The Transgender ideology is at best the cobbled together inbred spawn of Marxism/Trotskyism inseminated via a Frankfurt School pseudo intellectual wank bank. The ideological thread of Transgenderism can quite easily be unpicked and pulled apart. The current iteration of Transgenderism is its second bite of the cherry. Fortunately for the ideology of Transgenderism…a more degraded, debased, weaker and ignorant culture/populace/society has made previously acrid soil fertile and fecund for its seed to take root.

A more suggestable, weaker, measurably thicker (see mince) and cowardly society is far more receptive and vulnerable to its appeal. That is exactly where we are and why it will spread within the culture/society like Japanese knot weed. Attempts to shoehorn the Transgender ideology into German society during the Weimar years were crushed on arrival. German citizens being alert to the diabolical and evil inherent to the ideology and its proponents.

If the implicit sexualisation, mutilation, butchery and medicating of children does not illicit in you a profound abhorrence, moral revulsion and OUTRAGE… I am not able to help you. We are not the same. You have like many others internalised an ideology whose consequences are no less diabolical or dangerous than those elaborated upon by Solzhenitsyn in Gulag Archipelago/ Apricot Jam and other Stories. I would suggest the most relevant p[prescient text/literature with which to provide clarity upon the transgender ideology and the dangers inherent to it.

Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn) offers a vital lens/perspective in which the tyranny of communism/ Marxism/ Marxist Leninism and its various revolutionary expressions/manifestations can be observed and understood. A more vital/crucial text I have not come across in situating or understanding the ideology of transgenderism…its mongrel pedigree and lineage. The current manifestation of Transgender ideology and the relentless attempts to insert it into society/culture have only become possible following the long and largely successful hegemonic march through the institutions of Marxist/Revolutionary ideas and the useful idiots that have swallowed them…Its continued success/roll out depends upon those institutions, obscene levels of propaganda/deception and a dumbed down/weak public/citizen to accept it. In this sense…it is a perfect storm.

It is no more than an ideological virus that has never been dormant, but has through transgenderism been able to release its anthrax like spores on a debased, degraded, p*rnified and cowardly culture…for the most part too weak and ignorant to defend itself or even recognise/identify what a pathogenic threat it poses or most commonly do not even understand what an ideology is. I regularly see ADULTS who are unable to cross the road safely. Most often you will find the adherents of the transgender ideology are rarely lacking a television/smartphone/or Netflix account in the most enthusiastic instances of zealotry. They most commonly lack any discrimination and are unable to discern what is propaganda and what is not propaganda. This is often coupled with a snivelling and desperate need to advertise or signal to others their perceived virtuousness or ‘pride’ (last time I checked it was still one of the deadly sins) as they kick theatrically against a door that has been left wide open for them. The below link/article gives some sense of the extent to which the corporate world is fully signed up to the Transgender ideology…which is perhaps best expressed in the Lisa Simpson meme tweeted/retweeted by Elon Musk…

“When the corporations are advertising your movement you aren’t the resistance.”

(Elon Musk, Twitter, https://imgflip.com/i/7kw9y9)

“Currently more than 80 percent of the Fortune 500 have clear gender identity protections; two-thirds have transgender-inclusive healthcare coverage; hundreds have LGBTQ+ and Allies business resource groups and internal training efforts.”

( https://www.hrc.org/news/nearly-180-companies-oppose-effort-to-erase-transgender-people-from-protect)

My modest input to this squalid cultural assault is to concentrate on the humble table and chair. Platonic realism focuses upon essence/form. What is the essence of a chair/or a table? When you are able to understand/wrap your head around this…move on to Woman and Man.

In the following few pages I will quote extensively from the Wikipedia Page,(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_forms#:~:text=The%20theory%20of%20Forms%2C%20theory,or%20true%20as%20%22Forms%22.). I am unaware of a more simplified/bite sized explanation/breakdown of the metaphysics of Platonic Realism/ Forms. I have selected several useful/illustrative quotes but for greater clarity I would recommend visiting the Wikipedia page linked to above.

Platonic Realism focuses upon form or essence and can be best understood/defined as follows…

Thetheory of Forms,theory of Ideas,[1][2][3]Platonic idealism, orPlatonic realismis aphilosophical theoryofmetaphysicsdeveloped by theClassical GreekphilosopherPlato. The theory suggests that the physical world is not as real or true as "Forms". According to this theory, Forms—conventionally capitalized and also commonly translated as "Ideas"[4]—are the non-physical, timeless, absolute, and unchangeableessencesof all things, of which objects and matter in the physical world are merely imitations. Plato speaks of these entities only through the characters (primarilySocrates) of hisdialogueswho sometimes suggest that these Forms are the only objects of study that can provideknowledge.[5]The theory itself is contested from within Plato's dialogues, and it is a general point of controversy in philosophy. Nonetheless, the theory is considered to be a classical solution to theproblem of universals.

It follows that…

“No one has ever seen a perfect circle or table etc. etc., yet everyone knows what a circle and a straight line are. Plato uses the toolmakers blueprint as evidence that Forms are real.”

“ For Plato forms, such as beauty are more real than any objects that imitate them.”

“For example there are countless tables in the world but the Form of ‘tableness’ is at the core, it is at the essence of all of them”

When this understanding of Forms/Essences is applied to the ideology of Transgenderism and its grotesque and gratuitous consequences…the edifice quickly begins to flake. The womanness of woman…the model of dignified womanhood…is at essence a constellation of virtues…which include grace, beauty, heroism (courage), openheartedness, kindness, compassion and truth.

To have a Form/essence enables one to synchronise words and deeds to achieve meaning and direction. The above is by no means a comprehensive attempt to define those Forms or their myriad complexity or interplay in charting such a virtuous course…merely to give it some shape and form for the purpose of this article and explanation.

There have been many worthy endeavours in literature/art….masterworks that endeavour to capture a trace or an echo …and in so doing to render a glimpse of these Forms/essences. Even more astonishing/awe inspiring are the many men and women who have achieved the embodiment of these Forms through their words and deeds, their heroic virtues and very existence. It is to seek/pursue a purity of spirit and an alignment with Forms through the pursuit of a life of virtue…regardless of all the frailties, weaknesses and handicaps of the human condition. To be unable to clearly delineate or measure an essence/Form/ideal type is to diminish and negate what it is to be either a man or a woman (human being).

Although the emphasis or priority placed upon particular aspects of these forms has and will continue to shift…contingent upon culture/society and the vagaries of political structure/economy…there has and will always be the pursuit of perfection/excellence through the rediscovery of Forms/ Essences.

ACQUI[RI]TUR [H]ONOS’ (Honouris acquiredby virtue)

(Edinburgh, Grassmarket, West Bow, West Bow Well)

The Forms are constant and not necessarily specific to sex, however, to fail to acknowledge fundamental differences between men and women and to calibrate Forms/ Essences in accordance with those differences is to lack any discrimination and to have zero grasp on reality. Men are not able to give birth to a child…lacking a womb and the complex biological systems to harbour, nurture and deliver life. This should be palpably obvious…one would hope…but having to point out the glaringly obvious is necessary in times of deceit, misinformation, wilful distortion, delusion/collective psychosis and the threadbare attempts to redefine a shared/social aggregate reality.

“ Earth will be here long after we’ve all gone the way of the dodo..”

(The Streets, Everything is Borrowed, Mike Skinner, The Way of the Dodo)

Equally…facts, science and truth do not require your participation or consent to exist…they are steadfast and unflinching in the face of whatever whimsical ideology or gimmick (Gimmix! Play Loud/ John Cooper Clarke) they are confronted with. The material world has certain constant laws/rules…To paraphrase “Walter” (The Big Lebowski). “This is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.“

“This is not a gay parade/disco. This is planet earth. There are rules.”

Rules that govern the physical/material world will not break or bend…there is no pliancy there…no grey area e.g. Kick someone out of a helicopter from several hundred feet…they will die. However utterly bizarre the world of quantum physics/strangeness proves to be…we as humans are still subject and vulnerable to the helicopter test….night will surely follow day. The Transgender ideology with its well remunerated army of academic zealots/ ideologues/ useful idiots, HR drones, pharmaceutical snake oil merchants, glorified butchers all operate within a deranged scientism which seeks to recalibrate and redefine fundamental first principles…they will inevitably fail. Science and the laws that govern the material realm are constant and are no respecters of fashion…nor is Truth.

“Beauty is skin deep…the body is just a shell”

(Mr Ian Brown, Eternal Flame, The World is Yours)

It is abundantly clear to me that a commitment to the higher ideals or virtues of what it is to embody the Forms of womanhood or manhood does not or never will require the tawdry and cheap addition of lip gloss, ill-fitting skirts or wispy bum fluff facial hair etc. etc. The pursuit of and navigation by the ideals/virtues that constitute Form/ Essence should be the absolute priority of all regardless of what does or does not hang between ones legs. In such a pursuit/mission a shared humanity can be divined. (sex is entirely irrelevant).

Conversely the transgender fraud characterises and exposes itself in its focus upon the superficial…the cosmetic…and what can only be best described as an obsessive interest in sexual appetites, sexual intercourse and the attaining of sexual pleasure. Perhaps most alarmingly and I would also suggest deliberately… where young people/children are concerned. The insinuation of p*rnographic/ lewd/ explicit and highly sexualised language/ content into the education of children is at this point well evidenced/documented. The insidious push to prematurely sexualise children is in addition to the junk science, the Frankenstein like butchery of reassignment surgery, the pharmacological interventions and the many harmful and wholly unconvincing ways that those in thrall to its ideological psychosis attempt to play God with Gods perfect creation. The human being.

Transgenderism is but one Russian doll nesting within a wider ideological framework/agenda that ultimately seeks to erase measure.

“Things are going to slide in all directions…there won’t be nothing you can measure anymore.”

(Leonard Cohen, The Future).

The ideological gender bending hall of mirrors distortions have reflected a colour that Orwell prophetically warned about/against. A colour that can only exist as a malignancy in a deluded mind…BLACKWHITE.

“In regards to the word "blackwhite," it is similar to many Newspeak words that contain two mutually contradictory meanings. When applied to an adversary, it means "the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts." When it is applied to a fellow Party member, it means "loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this." In Oceania, citizens must not only be willing to say that black is white upon command, but also believe it. In order to believe something illogical and absurd, Party members must exercise doublethink, which is one of the three sacred principles of INGSOC.Winstonlearns the definition of blackwhite while reading Goldstein'sThe Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.”

(What does "blackwhite" mean in1984?, E Notes, https://www.enotes.com/topics/1984/questions/what-is-blackwhite-in-1984-2762136)

It is with some irony that I regard the LGBTQ flag…with its annexation and co-option of the rainbow…perhaps the most universal and timeless phenomenon to reveal the spectrum of difference, perfection and the expression of the divine…contained within light and reflected in every human being. The Transgender fraud is as transparently fake and false as its flag.

“If you seek then you shall find that we all come from the divine
You dig what I'm sayin?
Now if you take heed to the words of wisdom
That are written on the walls of life
Then universally, we will stand and divided we will fall
Because love conquers all, you understand what I'm sayin?
This is a call to all you sleepin souls
Wake up and take control of your own cipher
And be on the lookout for the spirit snipers
Tryin to steal your light, y'knowhutI'msayin?
Look within-side yourself, for peace
Give thanks, live life and release
You dig me? You got me?”

(Public Enemy, He got Game)

I am currently writing this…and this…and this (Stewart Lee) in Inverness Municipal public Library. My fourth library in two months. The ‘False Flag: Project Mayhem’ (Fight Club) has taken me almost 6 months from inception. I am keen to finish…but I have zero regrets. Politically the Scottish Government is in a sort of legal limbo following a significant/ recent legal ruling in respect of Transgender Identification Legislation (I.D). The twenty one day clock in which to appeal the ruling is ticking. Green Party MSP Ms Chapman has stated,

“the decision was a devastating day for equality… It is a democratic OUTRAGE crushing basic rights and equality for some of Scotland’s most marginalised people. It places huge limitations and constraints on devolution and confirms that the UK Government refuses to see our trans siblings for the people they really are”

(The Scotsman, p24, Saturday 9th December 2023)

I can’t say that I have any sympathy for my ‘trans siblings’…only pity…that they have been misled this far…either willingly seduced or sadly/tragically tricked. Susan Dalgety (The Scotsman, p24, 9th December 2023) reminds readers of a…

“victory of sorts too for those broken-hearted parents who watched helplessly as their confused teenage children claimed they had changed sex, convinced by a gender-identity lobby funded by our political elite. Lady Haldane’s judgement won’t stop the scandal of social transitioning that has infected many of our schools, but it may cause some people to stop and think.”

I don’t believe that the ‘broken-hearted’ parents of those confused children are motivated by hatred or that the confusion of their children is without malevolent intent/cause…Nor do I believe that a ‘small army of women’ who have campaigned against the Transgender ID legislation…forcing a brief halt/respite amidst the unrelenting tsunami of propaganda were/are motivated by hatred but…instead…as Ms Dalgety insists…

“righteous anger and logic”

(The Scotsman, p24, 9th December 2023)

Hopefully this hard one pause…will allow saner/ clear minded/ reasonable heads to prevail. In the ‘BLACKWHITE’ world that this ideology attempts to construct I am warned…

“Without tackling hatred, and the root causes of that, our rights are nothing at all, easily torn down, or pushed aside, ignored amidst a rising tide of hatred and a reversion to a past that is all too recent.”

(Jay Hulme ‘award winning’ transgender ‘poet’, ‘speaker’ and ‘educator’ quoted in The OUTRAGE by William Hussey…available in all ‘good’ public libraries/Inverness).

It is largely because the ‘small army of women’ involved in this struggle understand the incredibly hard-won victories that have come before them and are conscious of the shifting ground beneath their feet…that they are standing on the shoulders of giants…and that those fragile rights and protections can easily be ‘pushed aside’, ‘ignored’ and ‘reversion to a past’ of barbarism and brutality is not only likely but inevitable unless those rights are fiercely protected/guarded. Taking the fight to the Scottish Government within a social climate of overwhelming levels of ignorance and cowardice…offers more than a glimmer of hope for both young men and young women alike…

“The women of Scotland who would not wheesht no matter how often they were told to SHUT UP”

(The Scotsman, p24, 9th December 2023)

Fortunately there was and still is sufficient space in our linguistic landscape for such women to scream their OUTRAGE before the gag of speech control/censorship is firmly fitted. Hate speech legislation, such as that championed by the current First Minister Hamza Yousef will make such siren warnings increasingly less possible. Freedom of speech is the fundamental right on which all others rest/depend.

Words, Words, Words” (Hamlet/ William Shakespeare)

The ‘small army’ of women involved in this ‘victory of sorts’ were able to marry words and deeds…and walked the walk…

“Anyone would do well to keep this in mind as they read…”

(The OUTRAGE, William Hussey…available from the LGBTQI + Teen Fiction Section/Stand Inverness Public Library…Published 2021 Usborne Publishing Ltd)

In doing so…they have demonstrated a true commitment to the essential Forms/ essences of Womanhood. But bravery/courage, truth, empathy, solidarity, knowledge and understanding need not be the sole preserve of Scottish women…Scottish men may perhaps follow their example/lead. These virtues have never been nor will they ever be exclusive to either sex. The Forms/Essences are equally available to all human beings to strive towards/pursue and ultimately rediscover.

“ For neither does every smith, although he may be making the same instrument for the same purpose, make them all of the same iron. The form must be the same, but the material may vary”

(Theory of Forms, Wikipedia)

In ALL meanings of the word CRUCIBLE (A.Miller)…the appropriate alloy will emerge…whatever the grade of iron used…pig or otherwise. It should be clear though….ignorance is not bliss and at this point excuses are not acceptable. It is your time and attention that has been squandered and enabled this catastrophic state of affairs. The apparent constitutional crisis that Lady Haldane’s decision/ judgement has precipitated is a mere triviality next to the real harm, suffering and devastation this poisonous ideology has already wrought. Take responsibility….have some shame…grow a spine…you may find that it gives your body shape and form. The formidable exemplars of womanhood that have borne the torch and lit the way have bought you time…inspiration and an opportunity to navigate your way out of this benighted maze. Hopefully others will respond to their call to arms.

I was never much a fan of children’s literature…I enjoyed Kipling’s Just so Stories and the Fantastic Mr Fox but I largely skipped the genre. Nevertheless I think it is frighteningly prescient to draw the reader’s attention to the tale of The Emperor’s New Clothes…

The boy or girl in the crowd who possessed the clear mindedness to notice the glaringly obvious and the childlike innocence to speak truth to power. Not only does The Emperor have no clothes…he is caped in a technicolour flag….parading and preening hackneyed and dangerous ideas to the ‘dedicated followers of fashion’ (The Kinks).

“ I’d love to wear a rainbow every day and tell the world that everything’s OK…but I’ll try to carry off a little darkness on my back…till things are brighter….

I’m the man in BLACK

(J. Cash)

William Aindow

** It is my intention to publish a letter to The Laing Art Gallery Newcastle concerning a particular picture ‘Angela’s Flowers’…the Letter also contains a subtext that is relevant to this article and which serves as an adjunct to my argument. Please excuse some minor formatting issues related to the Wiki/ Theory of Forms quotations and other related spelling/grammar issues. My excuses are my own. Thank you for reading and your time.

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Just Another...False Flag (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.